RISE Cowley partnered with Cowley College to secure $19,915 in grant funds as a part of the Pathways to a Healthy Kansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas (BCBSKS) initiative. RISE Cowley is a coalition of like-minded organizations dedicated to making Cowley County a healthier place to live, work, and play.
Cowley College was awarded funding to add a fresh smoothie station and a panini grill station to the Dining Center. These additions are intended to increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein options available to students, staff and the public. RISE consulted with the Health Department Nutrition Services Coordinator dietician to set healthy guidelines for smoothie and panini recipes.
The college Dining Center was specifically chosen because it serves more than 440 students each week when classes are in session, and nearly 44% of the college’s student population receives the Pell Grant award, the highest form of financial aid assistance available. Students receiving the Pell Grant receive a Dining Center meal plan as a part of their college package, and prices are set no matter what options students choose; so healthier food choices are not more expensive, making these options more accessible.
Lindsay Wilke, RISE Cowley Grant Coordinator noted: “The Pathways grant allows the college to undertake a healthy expansion effort that likely would not have otherwise happened. Health is a priority, but it oftentimes falls to the bottom of the list of needs when other infrastructure and repair needs arise. Students are excited for these fresh, healthy options, and RISE is excited to be a part of the partnership.”The grant funds are a part of $200,000 in funds BCBSKS has earmarked for RISE Cowley over the next two years. These funds help move forward healthy initiatives in Cowley County. To learn more about RISE Cowley and the Pathways to a Healthy Kansas initiative, please visit risecowley.org or bcbsks.com/pathways.