Information about the long-term supports and services available in Kansas. ADRC is the single entry point for older adults and persons with disabilities (PD, TBI, HI, Frail Elderly) to connect with local experts.
Medicaid Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver program allows Kansas to provide services that allow those who need care to receive services in their homes or communities, including waiving certain Medicaid program requirements.
The Community Support Waiver (CSW) is a new Medicaid waiver program that will assist Kansans with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) who do not need continuous, 24‑hour support. The CSW will expand community care choices and supplement natural supports to make it easier for anyone to live independently at home.
In Cowley County, Capper Foundation provides quality, individualized services and supports to adults (ages 18+) living with disabilities to ensure that they have access, independence, and opportunities to advance their hopes and dreams.
*Winfield – Day and Residential Services
*Arkansas City – Residential Services
Note: Day and Residential Services are also provided in El Dorado (Butler County).
The Cowley County CDDO is a department of the county and serves as the single point of entry for anyone needing or inquiring about services for individuals in Cowley County with an Intellectual/Developmental Disability or MR/DD. The CDDO determines I/DD eligibility according to State guidelines and eligibility for HCBS services through a basic assessment and presents provider choices to those who are determined eligible.
Cash Assistance (TANF), Income based child care, Child Support Services, Food Assistance Program, Family Preservation, Parental Skill Building, Vocational Rehabilitation, Prevention and Protection Services for adult and youth.
Information on the Senior Care Act, in-home service and attendant care, tax help, case management, Medicare Part D, and more for community members 60+.
Section 8 Housing services available to the public.
Provides programming, financial services, targeted case management and residential services to individuals with disabilities in Cowley County. Transportation services are available for served individuals.